Office hours
Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm

Adamson House, Pomona Strand, Manchester M16 0TT




This Risk Assessment is for the protection of workers while undertaking work activities on behalf of Smart Choice Metering (SCM) and a statement explaining how we will protect customers. The following methods will be used when attending various work sites and work activities. Some sites or customers may require additional safety rules, and these will normally be detailed before the visit. This Risk Assessment will be used in conjunction with SCM company policies and procedures and risk assessments and is to be used only as emergency measures during this current pandemic period. Advice contained within has been sourced from best practice and government guidance.


For your Information, the engineers will wear:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Flame resistant protective clothing
  • Clean hi-vis
  • Protective footwear and gloves
  • Additional PPE where dictated by workplace activity risk assessment and or site / customer
  • Where necessary, Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE).


It is vital that the health and safety requirements on any work activity are not compromised. If an activity cannot be undertaken safely due to a lack of suitable qualified personnel and / or PPE not being available, or social distancing not being implemented and maintained, work will not take place until control measures are met.

Engineers are following the Government’s recommended advice for reducing exposure and transmission of Coronavirus, which includes:

  • Maintain social distancing. Stay a minimum of 2 metres away from other
  • Regular and thorough hand washing, with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and or using a sanitiser gel.
  • Catch coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or if necessary, in the crook of their
  • Safely dispose of all used tissues, then washing their
  • Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed
  • Avoid close contact with people who are, or might be,


  • Engineers will call to verify each customer’s health to ensure that the person(s) on site are not suffering from COVID-19 symptoms and are not in the extremely vulnerable group, nor any other member of the household.
  • If the meter is situated indoors, to open a window or outside door in the area where the engineer will be working to ventilate it for at least 30 mins before their
  • From initial phone call from the engineer, it must be at least 30 mins before the engineer enters the premises. Should the engineer arrive at the premises before the 30 mins has elapsed, they will wait until the time has elapsed before
  • All doors between the access point and point of work must be left open to minimise
  • The engineer will be arriving with additional protective safety measures for everyone’s
  • Where safe to do so, engineers will converse with customers at a safe distance, however in the case of a smaller area or if not safe to do so, they will primarily make contact by
  • We are limiting all physical contact and therefore normal processes of obtaining signatures via our devices have been stopped.
  • The engineers will set expectation that social distancing will need to be observed by all who are present at the premises whilst they are on



Arriving at Premises

Prior to accessing premises / site the engineer will:

  • Avoid taking any equipment into premises / site that may not be
  • Put on all required PPE (gloves & visor).


Inside the Premises

  • On arrival report to the site office, as appropriate (for New Connections).
  • Comply with 3rd party requirements safety rules, permits to work and site briefings/ inductions, ensuring social distancing is observed throughout (for New Connections).
  • Avoid unnecessary contact with surfaces and maintain good hygiene
  • Once the area has been established for the new connections and electricity/gas is isolated, wipe over area (meter/ power key/ associated cables) using wipes, disposing of wipes in waste
  • Ensure all waste is bagged and tied whilst inside premises (this will be double bagged when outside).
  • Attempt commissioning once (x 1) then if no commissioning, install and
  • Wipe down metering equipment after works
  • If the engineer requires a comfort break during the works they may use the toilet facilities at the customers’ property/ on site if the customer agrees and have conducted a personal dynamic risk assessment of the location. Alternatively, consider making safe, exiting the property and using Travel Johns, Supermarkets, Petrol Stations, Depots, Home, or Public Toilets (where applicable).


Outside the Premises

  • Use sanitising wipes to
    • Tablet and company mobile.
  • Remove/ decontaminate PPE in the following order:
    • Shoes (keep on – decontaminate using wipes/ household domestic Spray with Bleach).
    • Disposable gloves (remove).
  • Face Mask (remove).
  • Bag disposable items as you progress
  • Clean non-disposable items (such as tools/ toolbox) using Clinell wipes/Household domestic spray with Bleach
  • Clean LV Gloves using soap, water and dry with paper
  • Wash hands using soap and water or 60% alcohol hand
  • Hand cream/ moisturiser is available to order if required. This will help to prevent dry


Employees are advised not to contact hard surfaces without the use of gloves.

Carry out point of work dynamic risk assessment and undertake workplace toolbox talk with all team members and any others who may be affected by the work activity.

All tools and equipment are to undergo their normal pre use checks to ensure they are fit for purpose and within calibration.

Ensure safe access and egress to all work areas is available and maintained while working on site.

If you have any further questions, you can contact Smart Choice Metering on 0333 4439 862, where we will be happy to talk you through this document.